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Весь контент La2Hero

  1. Тестирую один хостинг, на нем возникла проблема. Суть такова: старый контент отображается корректно, но при попытке вывести новый, html код засерается. Исходный код <div align="center"><form action="https://unitpay.ru/pay/87371-72474" method="post" name="form"> <table class="regForm" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="25" align="center"> <p>ПОЖЕРТВОВАНИЯ</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tdLeft">Сервер x25 Craft-PvP</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tdLeft">Ник персонажа:<br /><span class="description">(в инвентарь которого придет награда)</span></td> <td class="tdRight"><input id="account" type="text" name="account" value="" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tdLeft">Количество монет:<br /><span class="description">(Donate Coin = 10 RUR)</span></td> <td class="tdRight"><input id="sum" type="text" name="sum" value="" /><input id="coinPrice" type="hidden" name="coinPrice" value="10" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center;" colspan="2"><input class="regbutton" type="submit" value="Оплатить" /></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </form></div> Hide Код после отправки страницы <div align="\&quot;center\&quot;"><form action="\&quot;https://unitpay.ru/pay/87371-72474\&quot;" method="\&quot;post\&quot;" name="\&quot;form\&quot;"> <table class="\&quot;regForm\&quot;" cellspacing="\&quot;0\&quot;" cellpadding="\&quot;0\&quot;"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="\&quot;25\&quot;" align="\&quot;center\&quot;"> <p>ПОЖЕРТВОВАНИЯ</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="\&quot;tdLeft\&quot;">Сервер x25 Craft-PvP</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="\&quot;tdLeft\&quot;">Ник персонажа:<br /><span class="\&quot;description\&quot;">(в инвентарь которого придет награда)</span></td> <td class="\&quot;tdRight\&quot;"><input id="\&quot;account\&quot;" type="\&quot;text\&quot;" name="\&quot;account\&quot;" value="\&quot;\&quot;" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="\&quot;tdLeft\&quot;">Количество монет:<br /><span class="\&quot;description\&quot;">(Donate Coin = 10 RUR)</span></td> <td class="\&quot;tdRight\&quot;"><input id="\&quot;sum\&quot;" type="\&quot;text\&quot;" name="\&quot;sum\&quot;" value="\&quot;\&quot;" /><input id="\&quot;coinPrice\&quot;" type="\&quot;hidden\&quot;" name="\&quot;coinPrice\&quot;" value="\&quot;10\&quot;" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="\&quot;2\&quot;"><input class="\&quot;regbutton\&quot;" type="\&quot;submit\&quot;" value="\&quot;Оплатить\&quot;" /></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </form></div> Hide На другом хосте все путем. Грешу на БД. Есть идеи куда копать?
  2. Ты прикалываешься ? Зачем я тебе выше расписывал про сохранение акк адма и чара? И вообще нахрен базу аккаунтов удалять. Людям удобнее будет после обт позаходить на свои же акк
  3. Прошу прощения выше дичь написал, про Vuln. Разберем на примере кода скилла Arcane Protection дающего резист от дебафов и кансела Код <skill id="1354" levels="1" name="Arcane Protection"> <set name="mpInitialConsume" val="14"/> <set name="mpConsume" val="70"/> <set name="target" val="TARGET_ONE"/> <set name="reuseDelay" val="10000"/> <set name="hitTime" val="4000"/> <set name="skillType" val="BUFF"/> <set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE"/> <set name="castRange" val="400"/> <set name="effectRange" val="900"/> <set name="aggroPoints" val="662"/> <set name="isBufferMagic" val="true"/> <for> <effect count="1" name="Buff" time="1200" val="0" stackOrder="1" stackType="resist_debuff_dispel"> <mul order="0x30" stat="cancelVuln" val="0.7"/> Базовое значение уязвимости к канцелу * (умножаем) на 0.7 = минус 30% от базовой уязвимости. Снижаем до 0.6 и резист к канселу сильнее. <mul order="0x30" stat="debuffVuln" val="0.8"/> </effect> </for> </skill> Hide Вобщем думаю я ответил на вопрос, чем меньше значение Val=" " , тем сильнее резист
  4. 1) Сохраняешь строку из таблицы accaunt и character. 2) вырубаешь сервер 3) клинсишь БД 4) вставляешь в уже почищенные указанные выше таблицы свои строчки 5) Смотришь, чтобы не было других админ xml файлов с идами персонажей, иначе будет на сервере еще один адм - рандомный игрок. Все. Стартуешь сервер и у тебя уже есть акк, на котором твой адм чар. Можно конечно посохранять шмот, макросы, и т.д. но это лишний гемор, проще заного все прописать.
  5. Из собственного опыта, Vuln- это эффекты резиста. Mul - не скажу ибо точно сам не знаю, но оно всегда даёт не точные значения ( там умножение по формуле) и если нужны точные значения используется add. От изменения 0x30 на другие значения , изменений не ощущалось. Val - он же value, оно же значение, это и есть параметр, где 1 = 100% , как именно работает именно нудный параметр нужно смотреть по сходим скиллам. Например майт прописывают vul = 1.15 что значит +15%, если прописать 0.94 - то это минус 4% . Но с другими эффектами может быть иначе и для них стандарт не 1.0 , а 0 . Тогда 0.94 будет + 94% и именно плюс , а не 94%. Потому что эти проценты добавляются к бпзрвому или конечному значению резиста
  6. Блин только сейчас прочитал, у меня была такая же проблема. Возникла она из-за релоудов из игровой админ панели. В итоге при рестарте, гсу не хватало ресурса и ява схлопывалась. При 4гб xms xmx сервер стартовал сквозь краши, но хотя-бы не било бд. Но работал криво, требовался еще один рестарт. Вобщем советую ничего не релоудить на живом онлайне через адм панель. На не живом сервере можно релодать html, скиллы и конфиги. Ну и еще один совет, перейти на линукс - половина ошибок и багов отвалятся сами собой)
  7. Половину проблемы решил сам, нужно было выставить права доступа. Но показывается только один из двух разделов скрин Hide
  8. Xmx и Xms - лучше ставить одинаковое значение (ставьте 4гб) Вам самому не кажется, что java 6.29 старовата ? У вас очень старая сборка? Пишется ли подробный лог гса ? если да, то в студию
  9. Всем максифанского времени суток! Нужен совет, от того, кто ковырял форум ipb 3.4.6. В общем то проблема следующая: Я перенес таблицы со старой БД (где-то в ней болтается шелл) в новую, и у меня не хотят отображаться форумы, радлелы и подразделы. Отображается только один, который встал кастомно после установки чистой бд и движка. Скрин Hide Кэш обновлял, в админке все отображается Скрин Hide Чувствую, что-то упустил, или какую-то таблицу, или какой то файл. В какую сторону копать ?
  10. Ё К Л М Н парни) Мне просто нужно было узнать на каком шарном сурсе этот механизм работает как на птс) Я ничего не буду реализовывать, у меня как бы доступа к сыркам моей сборки нет) Может просто кто то сказать - да на ацисе право подбора работает именно так! ревизия такая-то. Или - "У меня пв софт, лут тому кто нанес больше всего урона"
  11. Во-первых, я по моему очень вежливо спросил. Так-как реализовано не везде. Во-вторых, не нужно я по нормальному написал, что не знаю наверняка, где релизовано, поэтому качать 20 сборок, ставить разные версии явы, запускать по очереди и тестить - это тыкать пальцем в небо. Я уверен, что тут найдется масса людей, у которых запущен сервер на ацисе или любом другом сорсе, которые уже тестировали и наверняка могут скать "Да на этой сборке именно так".
  12. Господа, ищу любой сурс, где правильно реализовано право подбора лута (по тому кто нанес больше урона, а не добившему). Вроде как на ацисе реализовано, но не уверен, ставить тьму сборок на локалку нет ни желания, ни времени, буду признателен за достоверную информацию)
  13. game\data\stats\armor\11000.xml открывай и смотри где накосяпорил. Скорее всего не закрыт тэг.
  14. Любая контора\фрилансер может залупить абсолютно любые цифры. В сфере создания сайтов нет общей рыночной конкуренции. Пример - создание уникального дизайна скажем на Joomla для интернет магазина будет стоить 10-30тыс. А на форум макси тебе за 5к сделают уникальный дизайн, при этом там будет работы проделано намного больше. Про CMS я вообще молчу.
  15. La2Hero


    xmx 4gb xms 4gb. Из личного опыта, падал серв с онлайном 100, схлопнулась ява при 3гб под гс, побило бд. При 4гб серв рестартонулся сквозь варны.
  16. La2Hero


    Будьте здравы бояре и доброго времени суток. Недавно общался со знакомым сисадмином и поинтересовался, как он управляет линуксовыми серверами. Зная, что граф оболочки он не переваривает, спросил совет, как бы удобнее настроить IPtables - на что он мне выдал " Чувак установи webmin и будет тебе счастье!" Установил. Зашел в файрвол и .... нихрена не понимаю. Буду рад, если найдется человек, которому будет не лень пояснить, как это должно выглядеть в webmin-е на примере пары правил на порт и IP . iptables -t filter -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 7778 -j ACCEPT iptables -t filter -A INPUT -d -j ACCEPT Условно опустим, что скрин из цепочки INPUT развернуть Hide
  17. La2Hero

    О сервисе adsgame

    Зимой заказывал у них оживление форума, что могу сказать.... не кидалы, работы выполнили, но не в срок, чем очень засрали мне рекламную компанию. Неделю трафик валил на голый форум ;( Сложилось впечатление, что за маленькие заказики браться им не особо охото (оно как бы логично), знакомый говорит, что брал у них на 40к всякого, отбился, остался доволен.
  18. La2Hero

    Админка IPB 3.4.6

    В общем, установил с нуля форум от IPBmafia - зря на них грешил, у них все четко, каюсь. Опытным путем было установлено, что шелл именно в моей старой базе данных (ибо на чистой бд, он не открывается). Уважаемые знатоки, собственно я уже принял решение перенести таблицы, таким образом решив проблемы, но хотелось бы услышать мнения, как могла попасть туда эта дрянь, возможно ли, что ее как-то закачали извне (например через возможные дыры в самом движке)?
  19. La2Hero

    Админка IPB 3.4.6

    Дак, да я уже ранее открывал по этому приколу тему, что можно прямую ссылку вбить с любого компа и у тебя фтп доступ не только к файлам форума, но ко всему что лежит на хосте КАРЛ!) Кстати у меня закрались мысли, что как раз IPB мафии нормальный, сейчас буду устанавливать его с нуля. Просто этот бэкап форума мне достался от старого компаньона который отошел от дел.
  20. La2Hero

    Админка IPB 3.4.6

    Да походу этот код тут не причем, проблема глубже. Видимо удаление этого файла не вличет за собой удаления всей оболочки, а только закрывает доступ к ней Меня 3.4.6 устраивает своей простотой вот как это называется?)
  21. La2Hero

    Админка IPB 3.4.6

    IpbMafia и IPBZone распространяют
  22. La2Hero

    Админка IPB 3.4.6

    Опытным путем было установленно, что за всю эту дичь отвечает файл admin\applications\core\modules_admin\settings\settings.php Удаляя шелл Exploit-DB он удаляет именно этот файл. Походу время скинуть код заклинания и вызывать экзорциста. //sommon GvB settings.php <?php /** * Invision Power Services * IP.Board v3.4.6 * ACP : Settings * Last Updated: $Date: 2013-04-29 20:59:30 -0400 (Mon, 29 Apr 2013) $ * * @author $Author: bfarber $ * @copyright (c) 2001 - 2009 Invision Power Services, Inc. * @license http://www.invisionpower.com/company/standards.php#license * @package IP.Board * @subpackage Core * @link http://www.invisionpower.com * @since Wed. 18th August 2004 * @version $Rev: 12207 $ */ if ( ! defined( 'IN_ACP' ) ) { print "<h1>Incorrect access</h1>You cannot access this file directly. If you have recently upgraded, make sure you upgraded 'admin.php'."; exit(); } class admin_core_settings_settings extends ipsCommand { /** * Key array * * @var array Array of keys */ protected $key_array = array(); /** * Setting groups array * * @var array Array of setting groups */ protected $setting_groups = array(); /** * Setting groups array mapping * * @var array Array of setting groups */ protected $setting_groups_by_key = array(); /** * Skin object * This is public so that the portal can access it * * @var object Skin templates */ public $html; /** * Form code * This is public so that the portal can access it * * @var string Form code */ public $form_code; /** * Form code * This is public so that the portal can access it * * @var string JS Form code */ public $form_code_js; /** * Application to use * * @var string Application */ protected $_app; /** * Where to return to after save * * @var string URL to go to */ public $return_after_save; /** * Breadcrumb url to use in place of the default * * @var string */ public $base_nav_url; /** * Object for the editor shortcut * * @var $editor */ public $editor = NULL; /** * Class entry point * * @param object Registry reference * @return @e void [Outputs to screen] */ public function doExecute( ipsRegistry $registry ) { //----------------------------------------- // Load language //----------------------------------------- $this->registry->class_localization->loadLanguageFile( array( 'admin_tools' ) ); $this->html = $this->registry->output->loadTemplate('cp_skin_settings'); $this->form_code = $this->html->form_code = 'module=settings&amp;section=settings&amp;'; $this->form_code_js = $this->html->form_code_js = 'module=settings&section=settings&'; $this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg( 'settings_manage' ); /* What to do? */ switch( $this->request['do'] ) { case 'settinggroup_resync': $this->_resynchSettingGroup(); break; case 'settinggroup_delete': $this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg( 'settings_delete' ); $this->_deleteSettingGroup(); break; case 'settinggroup_new': $this->_settingGroupForm('add'); break; case 'settinggroup_showedit': $this->_settingGroupForm('edit'); break; case 'settinggroup_add': $this->_settingGroupSave('add'); break; case 'settinggroup_edit': $this->_settingGroupSave('edit'); break; case 'settingnew': $this->_settingForm('add'); break; case 'setting_showedit': $this->_settingForm('edit'); break; case 'setting_add': $this->_settingSave('add'); break; case 'setting_edit': $this->_settingSave('edit'); break; case 'reorder': $this->reorder(); break; case 'setting_view': $this->_viewSettings(); break; case 'setting_delete': $this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg( 'settings_delete' ); $this->_deleteSettings(); break; case 'setting_revert': $this->_revertSettings(); break; case 'setting_update': $this->_updateSettings(); break; case 'findsetting': $this->_findSettingGroup(); break; case 'settings_do_import': $this->importAllSettings(); break; case 'settings_do_import_indev': $this->importAllSettings(1); break; case 'MOD_export_setting': $this->_exportSettingsGroup(); break; case 'settingsExportApps': $messages = $this->exportAllApps(); $this->registry->output->setMessage( implode( "<br />", $messages ), 1 ); $this->_settingsOverview(); break; case 'settingsImportApps': $messages = $this->importAllApps(); $this->registry->output->setMessage( implode( "<br />", $messages ), 1 ); $this->_settingsOverview(); break; default: $this->request['do'] = 'settingsview'; $this->_settingsOverview(); break; } //----------------------------------------- // Pass to CP output hander //----------------------------------------- $this->registry->output->html_main .= $this->registry->output->global_template->global_frame_wrapper(); $this->registry->output->sendOutput(); } /** * Reorder the settings * * @return @e void */ public function reorder() { //----------------------------------------- // INIT //----------------------------------------- $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_KERNEL_PATH . 'classAjax.php', 'classAjax' ); $ajax = new $classToLoad(); //----------------------------------------- // Checks... //----------------------------------------- if( $this->registry->adminFunctions->checkSecurityKey( $this->request['md5check'], true ) === false ) { $ajax->returnString( $this->lang->words['postform_badmd5'] ); exit(); } //----------------------------------------- // Save new position //----------------------------------------- $position = 1; if( is_array($this->request['settings']) AND count($this->request['settings']) ) { foreach( $this->request['settings'] as $this_id ) { $this->DB->update( 'core_sys_conf_settings', array( 'conf_position' => $position ), 'conf_id=' . $this_id ); $position++; } } $ajax->returnString( 'OK' ); exit(); } /** * Setting group export * * @return @e void */ protected function _exportSettingsGroup() { //----------------------------------------- // INIT //----------------------------------------- $this->request[ 'conf_group'] = intval($this->request['conf_group'] ); /* Got anything? */ if ( ! $this->request['conf_group'] ) { return; } //----------------------------------------- // Get setting groups //----------------------------------------- $this->_settingsGetGroups( true ); //----------------------------------------- // Get xml class //----------------------------------------- require_once( IPS_KERNEL_PATH.'classXML.php' );/*noLibHook*/ $xml = new classXML( IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET ); $xml->newXMLDocument(); $xml->addElement( 'settingexport' ); $xml->addElement( 'settinggroup', 'settingexport' ); foreach( $this->setting_groups as $i => $roar ) { //----------------------------------------- // App check? //----------------------------------------- if ( $this->request['conf_group'] != $roar['conf_title_id'] ) { continue; } //----------------------------------------- // First, add in setting group title //----------------------------------------- $thisconf = array( 'conf_is_title' => 1, 'conf_title_keyword' => $roar['conf_title_keyword'], 'conf_title_title' => $roar['conf_title_title'], 'conf_title_desc' => $roar['conf_title_desc'], 'conf_title_tab' => $roar['conf_title_tab'], 'conf_title_app' => $roar['conf_title_app'] ? $roar['conf_title_app'] : 'core', 'conf_title_noshow' => $roar['conf_title_noshow'] ); $xml->addElementAsRecord( 'settinggroup', 'setting', $thisconf ); //----------------------------------------- // Get settings... //----------------------------------------- $this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'core_sys_conf_settings', 'where' => "conf_group='{$roar['conf_title_id']}'", 'order' => 'conf_position, conf_title' ) ); $this->DB->execute(); while ( $r = $this->DB->fetch() ) { //----------------------------------------- // Clean up... //----------------------------------------- unset( $r['conf_value'], $r['conf_id'] ); $r['conf_title_keyword'] = $roar['conf_title_keyword']; $r['conf_is_title'] = 0; $xml->addElementAsRecord( 'settinggroup', 'setting', $r ); } } //----------------------------------------- // Grab the XML document //----------------------------------------- $xmlData = $xml->fetchDocument(); $this->registry->output->showDownload( $xmlData, 'settingGroup_' . IPSText::makeSeoTitle( $thisconf['conf_title_title'] ) . '.xml', '', 0 ); } /** * Find setting group (don't rely on IDs) * * @return @e void */ public function _findSettingGroup() { if ( ! $this->request['key'] ) { $this->_settingsOverview(); } $this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'core_sys_settings_titles' ) ); $this->DB->execute(); while( $r = $this->DB->fetch() ) { if( ( $r['conf_title_keyword'] == $this->request['key'] ) OR IPSText::mbstrtolower( str_replace( " ", "", trim( $r['conf_title_title'] ) ) ) == urldecode( trim( $this->request['key'] ) ) ) { $this->registry->output->silentRedirect( $this->settings['base_url'] . '&' . $this->form_code . '&do=setting_view&conf_group=' . $r['conf_title_id'] ); break; } } $this->_settingsOverview(); } /** * Import all settings * * @param boolean In development mode? * @param boolean Return (ignore the var name) * @param array Array of known setting values * @return @e void */ public function importAllSettings( $in_dev=0, $no_return=0, $known=array() ) { //----------------------------------------- // INIT //----------------------------------------- $updated = 0; $inserted = 0; $need_update = array(); //----------------------------------------- // Make sure we have titles //----------------------------------------- $this->_settingsTitlesCheck(); //----------------------------------------- // INDEV? //----------------------------------------- if ( $in_dev ) { $_FILES['FILE_UPLOAD']['name'] = ''; $this->request['file_location'] = IPSLib::getAppDir( $this->request['app_dir'] ) . '/xml/' . $this->request['app_dir'] . '_settings.xml'; } else { $this->request['file_location'] = IPS_ROOT_PATH . $this->request['file_location'] ; } //----------------------------------------- // Go for it //----------------------------------------- if ( $_FILES['FILE_UPLOAD']['name'] == "" or ! $_FILES['FILE_UPLOAD']['name'] or ($_FILES['FILE_UPLOAD']['name'] == "none") ) { //----------------------------------------- // check and load from server //----------------------------------------- if ( ! $this->request['file_location'] ) { $this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['s_nofile']; $this->_settingsOverview(); return; } if ( ! is_file( $this->request['file_location'] ) ) { $this->registry->output->global_message = sprintf( $this->lang->words['s_noopen'], $this->request['file_location'] ); $this->_settingsOverview(); return; } if ( preg_match( '#\.gz$#', $this->request['file_location'] ) ) { if ( $FH = @gzopen( $this->request['file_location'], 'rb' ) ) { while ( ! @gzeof( $FH ) ) { $content .= @gzread( $FH, 1024 ); } @gzclose( $FH ); } } else { if ( $FH = @fopen( $this->request['file_location'], 'rb' ) ) { $content = @fread( $FH, filesize($this->request['file_location']) ); @fclose( $FH ); } } } else { //----------------------------------------- // Get uploaded schtuff //----------------------------------------- $tmp_name = $_FILES['FILE_UPLOAD']['name']; $tmp_name = preg_replace( '#\.gz$#', "", $tmp_name ); try { $content = ipsRegistry::getClass('adminFunctions')->importXml( $tmp_name ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { $this->registry->output->showError( $e->getMessage() ); } } if ( ! $content ) { $this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['s_nofile']; $this->_settingsOverview(); return; } $return = $this->_importXML( $content, $this->request['app_dir'], $known ); if ( $no_return ) { $this->registry->output->global_message = sprintf( $this->lang->words['s_upandin'], $return['updatedCount'], $return['insertedCount'] ); return TRUE; } else { $this->registry->output->global_message = sprintf( $this->lang->words['s_upandin'], $return['updatedCount'], $return['insertedCount'] ); $this->_settingsOverview(); return; } } /** * Delete a setting group * * @return @e void */ protected function _deleteSettingGroup() { if ( $this->request['id'] ) { $conf = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'count(*) as count', 'from' => 'core_sys_conf_settings', 'where' => 'conf_group=' . $this->request['id'] ) ); $count = intval($conf['count']); if ( $count > 0 ) { $this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['s_cantremove']; } else { $this->DB->delete( 'core_sys_settings_titles', 'conf_title_id=' . $this->request['id'] ); $this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['s_removed']; } } $this->settingsRebuildCache(); $this->_settingsOverview(); } /** * Resynchronize settings in a group * * @return @e void */ protected function _resynchSettingGroup() { //----------------------------------------- // INIT //----------------------------------------- $this->request['id'] = intval( $this->request['id'] ); //----------------------------------------- // Doit... //----------------------------------------- $this->_resynchGroup( $this->request['id'] ); $this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['s_recounted']; //----------------------------------------- // Get conf title details //----------------------------------------- $conf_group = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'conf_title_tab', 'from' => 'core_sys_settings_titles', 'where' => 'conf_title_id='.$this->request['id'] ) ); $this->_settingsOverview( $conf_group['conf_title_tab'] ); } /** * Does the resync * * @param integer Group id * @return @e void */ protected function _resynchGroup( $id ) { if ( $id ) { $conf = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'count(*) as count', 'from' => 'core_sys_conf_settings', 'where' => 'conf_group='.$id ) ); $count = intval($conf['count']); $this->DB->update( 'core_sys_settings_titles', array( 'conf_title_count' => $count ), 'conf_title_id=' . $id ); } } /** * Form to add/edit a setting group * * @param string [add|edit] * @return @e void */ protected function _settingGroupForm( $type='add' ) { //----------------------------------------- // INIT //----------------------------------------- $conf_title_id = intval( $this->request['id'] ); $form = array(); $apps = array( 0 => array( 'core', $this->lang->words['s_global_dd'] ) ); //----------------------------------------- // Build applications drop down //----------------------------------------- foreach( ipsRegistry::$applications as $app_dir => $app_data ) { $apps[] = array( $app_dir, $app_data['app_title'] ); } //----------------------------------------- // Type //----------------------------------------- if ( $type == 'add' ) { $formcode = 'settinggroup_add'; $title = $this->lang->words['s_createnew']; $button = $this->lang->words['s_createnew']; } else { $conf = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'core_sys_settings_titles', 'where' => 'conf_title_id='.$conf_title_id ) ); if ( ! $conf['conf_title_id'] ) { $this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['s_noid']; $this->_settingsOverview(); } $formcode = 'settinggroup_edit'; $title = sprintf($this->lang->words['s_editsetting'], $conf['conf_title'] ); $button = $this->lang->words['s_savechanges']; } //----------------------------------------- // Form elements //----------------------------------------- $form['conf_title_title'] = $this->registry->output->formInput( 'conf_title_title', $_POST['conf_title_title'] ? $_POST['conf_title_title'] : $conf['conf_title_title'] ); $form['conf_title_desc'] = $this->registry->output->formTextarea( 'conf_title_desc', $_POST['conf_title_desc'] ? $_POST['conf_title_desc'] : $conf['conf_title_desc'] ); $form['conf_title_app'] = $this->registry->output->formDropdown( 'conf_title_app', $apps, $_POST['conf_title_app'] ? $_POST['conf_title_app'] : $conf['conf_title_app'] ); $form['conf_title_tab'] = $this->registry->output->formInput( 'conf_title_tab', $_POST['conf_title_tab'] ? $_POST['conf_title_tab'] : $conf['conf_title_tab'] ); //if ( IN_DEV ) //{ $form['conf_title_keyword'] = $this->registry->output->formInput( 'conf_title_keyword', $_POST['conf_title_keyword'] ? $_POST['conf_title_keyword'] : $conf['conf_title_keyword'] ); $form['conf_title_noshow'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo( 'conf_title_noshow', $_POST['conf_title_noshow'] ? $_POST['conf_title_noshow'] : $conf['conf_title_noshow'] ); //} $this->registry->output->html .= $this->html->settings_title_form( $form, $title, $formcode, $button ); } /** * Save a setting group * * @param string [add|edit] * @return @e void */ protected function _settingGroupSave($type='add') { //----------------------------------------- // INIT //----------------------------------------- if ( $type == 'edit' ) { if ( ! $this->request['id'] ) { $this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['s_noid']; $this->_settingForm(); return; } } if( ! $this->request['conf_title_title'] ) { $this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['s_notitle']; $this->_settingGroupForm( $type ); return; } if( ! $this->request['conf_title_keyword'] ) { $this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['s_nokeyword']; $this->_settingGroupForm( $type ); return; } //-------------------------------------------- // Check... //-------------------------------------------- $array = array( 'conf_title_title' => $this->request['conf_title_title'], 'conf_title_desc' => IPSText::safeslashes( $_POST['conf_title_desc'] ), 'conf_title_keyword' => IPSText::safeslashes( $_POST['conf_title_keyword'] ), 'conf_title_noshow' => $this->request['conf_title_noshow'], 'conf_title_app' => trim( $this->request['conf_title_app'] ), 'conf_title_tab' => trim( $this->request['conf_title_tab'] ) ); if ( $type == 'add' ) { $this->DB->insert( 'core_sys_settings_titles', $array ); $this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['s_added']; } else { $this->DB->update( 'core_sys_settings_titles', $array, 'conf_title_id=' . $this->request['id'] ); $this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['s_edited']; } $this->settingsRebuildCache(); $this->_settingsOverview(); } /** * Form to add/edit a setting * * @param string [add|edit] * @return @e void */ protected function _settingForm( $type='add' ) { if ( $type == 'add' ) { $formcode = 'setting_add'; $title = $this->lang->words['s_createnewtitle']; $button = $this->lang->words['s_createnewtitle']; $conf = array( 'conf_group' => $this->request['conf_group'], 'conf_add_cache' => 1 ); if ( IN_DEV ) { $conf['conf_protected'] = 1; } if ( $this->request['conf_group'] ) { $max = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'max(conf_position) as max', 'from' => 'core_sys_conf_settings', 'where' => 'conf_group=' . $this->request['conf_group'] ) ); } else { $max = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'max(conf_position) as max', 'from' => 'core_sys_conf_settings' ) ); } $conf['conf_position'] = $max['max'] + 1; } else { $conf = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'core_sys_conf_settings', 'where' => 'conf_id=' . $this->request['id'] ) ); if ( ! $conf['conf_id'] ) { $this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['s_noid']; $this->_settingsOverview(); } $formcode = 'setting_edit'; $title = sprintf($this->lang->words['s_editsetting'], $conf['conf_title'] ); $button = $this->lang->words['s_savechanges']; } //----------------------------------------- // Get groups //----------------------------------------- $this->_settingsGetGroups(); $groups = array(); foreach( $this->setting_groups as $i => $r ) { $groups[] = array( $r['conf_title_id'], $r['conf_title_title'] ); } //----------------------------------------- // Type //----------------------------------------- $types = array( array( 'input' , $this->lang->words['s_input'] ), array( 'dropdown' , $this->lang->words['s_dropdown'] ), array( 'yes_no' , $this->lang->words['s_yes_no'] ), array( 'textarea' , $this->lang->words['s_textarea'] ), array( 'editor' , $this->lang->words['s_editor'] ), array( 'multi' , $this->lang->words['s_multi'] ), array( 'name_autocomplete' , $this->lang->words['s_name_autocomplete'] ), ); $form['conf_title'] = $this->registry->output->formInput( 'conf_title' , $_POST['conf_title'] ? $_POST['conf_title'] : $conf['conf_title'] ); $form['conf_position'] = $this->registry->output->formInput( 'conf_position' , $_POST['conf_position'] ? $_POST['conf_position'] : $conf['conf_position'] ); $form['conf_description'] = $this->registry->output->formTextarea( 'conf_description', $_POST['conf_description'] ? $_POST['conf_description'] : $conf['conf_description'] ); $form['conf_group'] = $this->registry->output->formDropdown( 'conf_group' , $groups, $_POST['conf_group'] ? $_POST['conf_group'] : $conf['conf_group'] ); $form['conf_type'] = $this->registry->output->formDropdown( 'conf_type' , $types, $_POST['conf_type'] ? $_POST['conf_type'] : $conf['conf_type'] ); $form['conf_key'] = $this->registry->output->formInput( 'conf_key' , $_POST['conf_key'] ? $_POST['conf_key'] : $conf['conf_key'] ); $form['conf_value'] = $this->registry->output->formTextarea( 'conf_value' , $_POST['conf_value'] ? $_POST['conf_value'] : $conf['conf_value'] ); $form['conf_default'] = $this->registry->output->formTextarea( 'conf_default' , $_POST['conf_default'] ? $_POST['conf_default'] : $conf['conf_default'] ); $form['conf_extra'] = $this->registry->output->formTextarea( 'conf_extra' , $_POST['conf_extra'] ? $_POST['conf_extra'] : $conf['conf_extra'] ); $form['conf_evalphp'] = $this->registry->output->formTextarea( 'conf_evalphp' , $_POST['conf_evalphp'] ? $_POST['conf_evalphp'] : $conf['conf_evalphp'] ); $form['conf_keywords'] = $this->registry->output->formTextarea( 'conf_keywords' , $_POST['conf_keywords'] ? $_POST['conf_keywords'] : $conf['conf_keywords'] ); $form['conf_start_group'] = $this->registry->output->formInput( 'conf_start_group', $_POST['conf_start_group'] ? $_POST['conf_start_group'] : $conf['conf_start_group'] ); $form['conf_add_cache'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo( 'conf_add_cache', $_POST['conf_add_cache'] ? $_POST['conf_add_cache'] : $conf['conf_add_cache'] ); if ( IN_DEV ) { $form['conf_protected'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo( 'conf_protected', $_POST['conf_protected'] ? $_POST['conf_protected'] : $conf['conf_protected'] ); } //----------------------------------------- // start form //----------------------------------------- $this->registry->output->html .= $this->html->settings_form( $form, $title, $formcode, $button ); } /** * View all settings (form) in a group * This is public so that portal can access it * * @return @e void */ public function _viewSettings() { //----------------------------------------- // INIT //----------------------------------------- $search_key = trim( $this->request['search'] ); $conf_group = trim( $this->request['conf_group'] ); $conf_titles = array(); $last_conf_id = -1; $start = intval( $this->request['st'] ); $end = 150; $get_by_key = isset( $this->request['conf_title_keyword'] ) ? $this->request['conf_title_keyword'] : ''; //----------------------------------------- // Get settings in group //----------------------------------------- $this->_settingsGetGroups( ( $get_by_key ) ? TRUE : FALSE ); //----------------------------------------- // Grabbing by key? //----------------------------------------- if( $get_by_key ) { $data = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'conf_title_id, conf_title_keyword, conf_title_title', 'from' => 'core_sys_settings_titles', 'where' => "conf_title_keyword='{$get_by_key}'" ) ); $this->request['conf_group'] = $data['conf_title_id'] ; $conf_group = $data['conf_title_id']; $this->request['groupHelpKey'] = $data['conf_title_keyword']; } //----------------------------------------- // check... //----------------------------------------- if( !$conf_group and !$search_key ) { $this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['s_nogroup']; $this->_settingsOverview(); return; } //-------------------------------------- // Redirect to Nexus for ads //-------------------------------------- if ( $this->setting_groups[ $conf_group ]['conf_title_keyword'] == 'adcodeintegration' and IPSLib::appIsInstalled('nexus') ) { $this->registry->output->silentRedirect( $this->settings['base_url'] . 'app=nexus&module=promotion&section=advertisements' ); } //----------------------------------------- // Pagination //----------------------------------------- $pages = $this->registry->output->generatePagination( array( 'totalItems' => $this->setting_groups[$conf_group]['conf_title_count'], 'itemsPerPage' => $end, 'currentStartValue' => $start, 'baseUrl' => $this->settings['base_url'] . "&amp;{$this->form_code}&amp;&search={$search_key}", ) ); //----------------------------------------- // Did we search? //----------------------------------------- if( $search_key ) { $keywords = IPSText::mbstrtolower($search_key); $whereExtra = $conf_group ? " AND c.conf_group={$conf_group}" : ''; $this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'c.*', 'from' => array( 'core_sys_conf_settings' => 'c' ), 'where' => '(' . $this->DB->buildLower('c.conf_title') . " LIKE '%{$keywords}%' OR " . $this->DB->buildLower('c.conf_description') . " LIKE '%{$keywords}%' OR " . $this->DB->buildLower('c.conf_keywords') . " LIKE '%{$keywords}%')" . $whereExtra, 'order' => 'c.conf_title', 'limit' => array( $start, $end ), 'add_join' => array( array( 'select' => 'ct.conf_title_id, ct.conf_title_noshow, ct.conf_title_title, ct.conf_title_tab', 'from' => array( 'core_sys_settings_titles' => 'ct' ), 'where' => 'ct.conf_title_id=c.conf_group', 'type' => 'left' ) ) ) ); $this->DB->execute(); while( $r = $this->DB->fetch() ) { $r['conf_start_group'] = ""; $r['conf_description'] .= '<br />' . $this->lang->words['conf_desc_search'] . "<a href='{$this->settings['base_url']}&amp;app=core&amp;module=settings&amp;section=settings&amp;do=setting_view&amp;conf_group={$r['conf_title_id']}'>" . $r['conf_title_title'] . "</a>"; $conf_entry[ $r['conf_id'] ] = $r; } if( ! count( $conf_entry ) ) { $this->registry->output->global_message = sprintf( $this->lang->words['s_nomatches'], $keywords ); $this->_settingsOverview(); return; } $title = sprintf( $this->lang->words['s_searchedfor'], $keywords ); $tab = ''; } //----------------------------------------- // Or not... //----------------------------------------- else { $this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'core_sys_conf_settings', 'where' => "conf_group='{$conf_group}'", 'order' => 'conf_position, conf_title', 'limit' => array( $start,$end ) ) ); $this->DB->execute(); while( $r = $this->DB->fetch() ) { $conf_entry[ $r['conf_id'] ] = $r; } $title = $this->setting_groups[$conf_group]['conf_title_title']; $tab = IPSText::md5Clean( $this->setting_groups[$conf_group]['conf_title_tab'] ); $this->request['groupHelpKey'] = $this->setting_groups[ $conf_group ]['conf_title_keyword']; } //----------------------------------------- // Start output //----------------------------------------- $content = ""; if( is_array( $conf_entry ) and count( $conf_entry ) ) { foreach( $conf_entry as $id => $r ) { $content .= $this->_processSettingEntry( $r ); } } if( ! $search_key AND ! $get_by_key ) { $searchbutton = 1; } if ( ! $this->registry->output->ignoreCoreNav ) // Bug #39467 { /* Navigation */ if( $this->base_nav_url ) { $this->registry->output->extra_nav[] = array( $this->base_nav_url, ipsRegistry::$applications[ $this->setting_groups[$conf_group]['conf_title_app'] ]['app_title'] ); $this->registry->output->extra_nav[] = array( "", $title ); } else if( $tab ) { $this->registry->output->extra_nav[] = array( "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}&amp;_dtab={$tab}", $this->setting_groups[$conf_group]['conf_title_tab'] ? $this->setting_groups[$conf_group]['conf_title_tab'] : ipsRegistry::$applications[ $this->setting_groups[$conf_group]['conf_title_app'] ]['app_title'] ); $this->registry->output->extra_nav[] = array( "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}&amp;do=setting_view&amp;conf_group={$conf_group}", $title ); } else { $this->registry->output->extra_nav[] = array( "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}&amp;_dtab=System", $this->setting_groups[$conf_group]['conf_title_tab'] ? $this->setting_groups[$conf_group]['conf_title_tab'] : ipsRegistry::$applications[ $this->setting_groups[$conf_group]['conf_title_app'] ]['app_title'] ); $this->registry->output->extra_nav[] = array( "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}&amp;do=setting_view&amp;conf_group={$conf_group}", $title ); } } /* Output */ $this->registry->output->html .= $this->html->settings_view_wrapper( $title, $content, $searchbutton, $this->return_after_save ); $this->registry->output->html = str_replace( '<!--HIDDEN.FIELDS-->', "<input type='hidden' name='settings_save' value='" . implode( ",", $this->key_array ) . "' />", $this->registry->output->html ); } /** * Process an individual setting for display * * @param array Setting record * @return @e void */ public function _processSettingEntry($r) { /* Init editor class */ if ( !is_object($this->editor) ) { $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/editor/composite.php', 'classes_editor_composite' ); $this->editor = new $classToLoad(); } /* Init vars */ $tempSkinUrl = $this->settings['skin_app_url']; $this->settings['skin_app_url'] = $this->settings['_original_base_url'] . '/' . CP_DIRECTORY . '/applications/core/skin_cp/' ; $form_element = ""; $form_type = 'normal'; $dropdown = array(); $start = ""; $revert_button = ""; $key = $r['conf_key']; $value = $r['conf_value'] != "" ? $r['conf_value'] : $r['conf_default']; $value = $value == "{blank}" ? '' : $value; $show = 1; //----------------------------------------------- // Default? //----------------------------------------------- $css = ""; if ( $r['conf_value'] != "" and ( $r['conf_value'] != $r['conf_default'] ) ) { $revert_button = "<li class='i_revert'><a href='" . $this->settings['_base_url'] . "&amp;app=core&amp;{$this->form_code}&amp;do=setting_revert&id={$r['conf_id']}&conf_group={$r['conf_group']}&search=" . $this->request['search'] . "' title='{$this->lang->words['s_revertback']}'>{$this->lang->words['revert']}</a></li>"; } //----------------------------------------------- // Evil eval //----------------------------------------------- if ( $r['conf_evalphp'] ) { $r['conf_evalphp'] = str_replace( '&#092;', '\\', $r['conf_evalphp'] ); $show = 1; eval( $r['conf_evalphp'] ); } if( ! $show && ! IN_DEV ) { return ''; } switch( $r['conf_type'] ) { case 'input': $form_element = $this->registry->output->formInput( $key, str_replace( "'", "&#39;", $value ) ); break; case 'textarea': $form_element = $this->registry->output->formTextarea( $key, str_replace( "&#38;#092;", "&#092;", IPSText::textToForm($value) ), 45 ); break; case 'editor': //$this->editor->setIsHtml( true ); $this->editor->setContent( $value ); $form_element = $this->editor->show( $key, array( 'minimize' => 1 ) ); $form_type = 'rte'; break; case 'yes_no': $form_element = $this->registry->output->formYesNo( $key, $value ); break; case 'name_autocomplete': $form_element = $this->html->nameAutoCompleteField( $key, $value ); break; default: if ( $r['conf_extra'] ) { if ( $r['conf_extra'] == '#show_forums#' ) { //----------------------------------------- // Require the library // (Not a building with books) //----------------------------------------- require_once( IPSLib::getAppDir( 'forums' ) .'/sources/classes/forums/class_forums.php' );/*noLibHook*/ $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPSLib::getAppDir( 'forums' ) .'/sources/classes/forums/admin_forum_functions.php', 'admin_forum_functions', 'forums' ); $aff = new $classToLoad( $this->registry ); $aff->forumsInit(); $dropdown = $aff->adForumsForumList(1); } else if ( $r['conf_extra'] == '#show_groups#' ) { $this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'groups', 'order' => 'g_title ASC' ) ); $this->DB->execute(); while( $row = $this->DB->fetch() ) { if ( $row['g_access_cp'] ) { $row['g_title'] .= ' ' . $this->lang->words['setting_staff_tag'] . ' '; } $dropdown[] = array( $row['g_id'], $row['g_title'] ); } } else if ( $r['conf_extra'] == '#show_applications#' ) { foreach( ipsRegistry::$applications as $app ) { $dropdown[] = array( $app['app_directory'], $app['app_title'] ); } } else if ( $r['conf_extra'] == '#show_skins#' ) { $dropdown = $this->registry->output->generateSkinDropdown(); } else { foreach( explode( "\n", $r['conf_extra'] ) as $l ) { list ($k, $v) = explode( "=", $l ); if ( $k != "" and $v != "" ) { $dropdown[] = array( trim($k), trim($v) ); } } } } if ( $r['conf_type'] == 'dropdown' ) { $form_element = $this->registry->output->formDropdown( $key, $dropdown, $value ); } else { $form_element = $this->registry->output->formMultiDropdown( $key, $dropdown, explode( ",", $value ) ); } break; } $delete = "<li class='i_delete'><a href='#' onclick='return acp.confirmDelete(\"{$this->settings['_base_url']}&amp;app=core&amp;{$this->form_code}&amp;do=setting_delete&id={$r['conf_id']}\");' title='key: {$r['conf_key']}'>{$this->lang->words['delete']}</a></li>"; $edit = "<li class='i_edit'><a href='" . $this->settings['_base_url'] . "&amp;app=core&amp;{$this->form_code}&amp;do=setting_showedit&id={$r['conf_id']}' title='id: {$r['conf_id']}'>{$this->lang->words['edit']}</a></li>"; if ( $r['conf_protected'] and ! IN_DEV ) { $delete = ""; $edit = ""; } if ( $r['conf_start_group'] ) { $start = $this->html->settings_row_start_group( $r ); } $r['conf_description'] = str_replace( '{ACP_URL}', $this->settings['_base_url'], $r['conf_description'] ); //----------------------------------------------- // Search hi-lite //----------------------------------------------- if ( $this->request['search'] ) { $_replacements = array(); preg_match_all( "/(&([a-zA-Z0-9]+);)/i", $r['conf_title'], $matches ); if( count($matches[0]) ) { for( $i=0, $cnt=count($matches[0]); $i <= $cnt; $i++ ) { $r['conf_title'] = str_replace( $matches[0][$i], '{{{' . $i . '}}}', $r['conf_title'] ); } } $r['conf_title'] = preg_replace( "/(". str_replace( '/', '\\/', $this->request['search'] ) .")/i", "<span style='background:#FCFDD7'>\\1</span>", $r['conf_title'] ); if( count($matches[0]) ) { for( $i=0, $cnt=count($matches); $i <= $cnt; $i++ ) { $r['conf_title'] = str_replace( '{{{' . $i . '}}}', $matches[0][$i], $r['conf_title'] ); } } /** * Ok this is just annoying.... */ $_did = 0; preg_match_all( "/(href=['\"].*?[\"'])/i", $r['conf_description'], $matches ); if( count($matches[0]) ) { for( $i=$_did, $cnt=count($matches[0]); $i <= $cnt; $i++ ) { $r['conf_description'] = str_replace( $matches[0][$i], '{{{' . $i . '}}}', $r['conf_description'] ); $_replacements[ $i ] = $matches[0][$i]; $_did++; } } preg_match_all( "/(&([a-zA-Z0-9]+);)/i", $r['conf_description'], $matches ); if( count($matches[0]) ) { for( $i=$_did, $cnt=count($matches[0]); $i <= $cnt; $i++ ) { $r['conf_description'] = str_replace( $matches[0][$i], '{{{' . $i . '}}}', $r['conf_description'] ); $_replacements[ $i ] = $matches[0][$i]; $_did++; } } $r['conf_description'] = preg_replace( "/(". str_replace( '/', '\\/', $this->request['search'] ) .")/i", "<span style='background:#FCFDD7'>\\1</span>", $r['conf_description'] ); if( count($_replacements) ) { foreach( $_replacements as $index => $val ) { $r['conf_description'] = str_replace( '{{{' . $index . '}}}', $val, $r['conf_description'] ); } } } $html .= $start . $this->html->settings_view_row( $r, $edit, $delete, $form_element, $revert_button, $form_type ); $this->key_array[] = preg_replace( '/\[\]$/', "", $key ); $this->settings[ 'skin_app_url'] = $tempSkinUrl ; return $html; } /** * View setting groups * * @param string Application to default to * @return @e void */ protected function _settingsOverview( $start_app='' ) { $content = ""; $title = ""; $settings = array(); $start_app = ( $start_app ) ? $start_app : trim( $this->request['start_app'] ); //----------------------------------------- // Get the groups //----------------------------------------- $this->_settingsGetGroups(); //----------------------------------------- // Build settings.. //----------------------------------------- foreach( $this->setting_groups as $i => $r ) { $r['conf_title_app'] = ( $r['conf_title_app'] ) ? $r['conf_title_app'] : 'core'; $r['conf_title_tab'] = ( $r['conf_title_tab'] ) ? $r['conf_title_tab'] : 'System'; $r['conf_title_title'] = ( $r['conf_title_noshow'] ) ? $r['conf_title_title'] . ' ' . $this->lang->words['s_ishidden'] : $r['conf_title_title']; $settings[ $r['conf_title_tab'] ][] = $r; } $this->registry->output->html .= $this->html->settings_titles_wrapper( $settings, $start_app ); } /** * Update setting values/ordering * * @param boolean Return afterwards? * @return @e void */ protected function _updateSettings( $donothing="" ) { /* Init vars */ $bounceback = str_replace( '&amp;', '&', $this->request['bounceback'] ); /* Check for something to save... */ if ( ! $this->request['id'] and ! $this->request['search'] AND !$this->request['settings_save'] ) { $this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['s_noid']; $this->_settingsOverview(); return; } /* ...and check for fields */ $fields = explode( ",", trim($this->request['settings_save']) ); if ( ! count($fields ) ) { $this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['s_nofields']; $this->_viewSettings(); return; } /* Init editor class */ if ( !is_object($this->editor) ) { $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/editor/composite.php', 'classes_editor_composite' ); $this->editor = new $classToLoad(); } //-------------------------------------------- // Update //-------------------------------------------- $update = array(); foreach ( $fields as $f ) { $update[ $f ] = $_POST[ $f ]; } IPSLib::updateSettings( $update, TRUE ); $this->request['conf_group'] = $this->request['id']; $this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['s_updated']; //----------------------------------------- // We're bouncing back (Boing boing) //----------------------------------------- if ( $bounceback ) { $this->registry->output->silentRedirectWithMessage( $bounceback ); } //----------------------------------------- // Still here? //----------------------------------------- if ( ! $donothing ) { $this->_viewSettings(); } } /** * Save the settings form * * @param string [add|edit] * @return @e void */ protected function _settingSave($type='add') { if ( $type == 'edit' ) { if ( ! $this->request['id'] ) { $this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['s_noid']; $this->_settingForm(); return; } } //-------------------------------------------- // check... //-------------------------------------------- $conf_group = $this->request['conf_newgroup'] ? $this->request['conf_newgroup'] : $this->request['conf_group']; $array = array( 'conf_title' => $this->request['conf_title'], 'conf_description' => IPSText::stripslashes( $_POST['conf_description'] ), 'conf_group' => $this->request['conf_group'], 'conf_type' => $this->request['conf_type'], 'conf_key' => str_replace( '-', '_', IPSText::alphanumericalClean( $this->request['conf_key'] ) ), 'conf_value' => IPSText::stripslashes( $_POST['conf_value'] ), 'conf_default' => IPSText::stripslashes( $_POST['conf_default'] ), 'conf_extra' => IPSText::stripslashes( $_POST['conf_extra'] ), 'conf_evalphp' => IPSText::stripslashes( $_POST['conf_evalphp'] ), 'conf_protected' => intval( $this->request['conf_protected'] ), 'conf_position' => intval( $this->request['conf_position'] ), 'conf_start_group' => $this->request['conf_start_group'], 'conf_add_cache' => intval( $this->request['conf_add_cache'] ), 'conf_keywords' => IPSText::stripslashes( $_POST['conf_keywords'] ), ); //----------------------------------------- // Do we have a title and key? //----------------------------------------- if( !$array['conf_title'] OR !$array['conf_key'] ) { $this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['s_missing_key_data']; $this->_settingForm(); return; } if ( $type == 'add' ) { //----------------------------------------- // Is the key already in use? //----------------------------------------- if ( $this->settings[ $array['conf_key'] ] ) { $this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['s_keyinuse_already']; $this->_settingForm(); return; } $this->DB->insert( 'core_sys_conf_settings', $array ); $this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['s_added2']; } else { $conf = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'core_sys_conf_settings', 'where' => 'conf_id=' . $this->request['id'] ) ); $this->DB->update( 'core_sys_conf_settings', $array, 'conf_id=' . $this->request['id'] ); $this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['s_edited2']; // Recount old group $this->_resynchGroup( $conf['conf_group'] ); } //----------------------------------------- // Recount new group //----------------------------------------- if( $this->request['conf_group'] ) { $this->_resynchGroup( $this->request['conf_group'] ); } $this->settingsRebuildCache(); $this->_viewSettings(); } /** * Revert a setting to the default value * * @return @e void */ protected function _revertSettings() { $this->request[ 'id'] = intval($this->request['id'] ); if ( ! $this->request['id'] ) { $this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['s_noid']; $this->_settingForm(); return; } $conf = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'core_sys_conf_settings', 'where' => 'conf_id=' . $this->request['id'] ) ); //-------------------------------------------- // Revert... //-------------------------------------------- IPSLib::updateSettings( array( $conf['conf_key'] => $conf['conf_default'] ) ); $this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['s_revertedback']; $this->settingsRebuildCache(); //----------------------------------------- // Boink //----------------------------------------- $referrer = my_getenv('HTTP_REFERER'); if ( strstr( $referrer, $this->settings['_admin_link'] ) and !strstr( $referrer, 'app=core&module=settings&section=settings' ) ) { $this->registry->output->silentRedirect( $referrer ); return; } else { $this->_viewSettings(); } } /** * Delete a setting * * @return @e void */ protected function _deleteSettings() { if ( ! $this->request['id'] ) { $this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['s_noid']; $this->_settingsOverview(); return; } $conf = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'core_sys_conf_settings', 'where' => 'conf_id=' . $this->request['id'] ) ); if ( ! $conf['conf_id'] ) { $this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['s_noid']; $this->_settingsOverview(); return; } //-------------------------------------------- // Delete... //-------------------------------------------- $this->DB->delete( 'core_sys_conf_settings', 'conf_id=' . $this->request['id'] ); $this->DB->update( 'core_sys_settings_titles', 'conf_title_count=conf_title_count-1', 'conf_title_id=' . $conf['conf_group'], false, true ); $this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['s_deleted']; $this->settingsRebuildCache(); $this->_settingsOverview(); } /** * Rebuild settings cache * * @return @e void */ public function settingsRebuildCache() { $settings = array(); $this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'core_sys_conf_settings', 'where' => 'conf_add_cache=1' ) ); $info = $this->DB->execute(); while ( $r = $this->DB->fetch($info) ) { $value = $r['conf_value'] != "" ? $r['conf_value'] : $r['conf_default']; if ( $value == '{blank}' ) { $value = ''; } $settings[ $r['conf_key'] ] = $value; } $this->cache->setCache( 'settings', $settings, array( 'array' => 1 ) ); } /** * Grab all setting groups and store in an internal array * * @param boolean Pull all settings, not just visible ones * @return @e void */ protected function _settingsGetGroups( $ignoreInDev=false ) { $this->setting_groups = array(); if ( IN_DEV OR $ignoreInDev ) { $this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'core_sys_settings_titles', 'order' => 'conf_title_title' ) ); $this->DB->execute(); } else { $this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'core_sys_settings_titles', 'where' => 'conf_title_noshow=0', 'order' => 'conf_title_title' ) ); $this->DB->execute(); } while( $r = $this->DB->fetch() ) { $this->setting_groups[ $r['conf_title_id'] ] = $r; $this->setting_groups_by_key[ $r['conf_title_keyword'] ] = $r; } } /** * Make sure all titles have keywords set * * @return @e void */ protected function _settingsTitlesCheck() { //----------------------------------------- // Get 'em //----------------------------------------- $this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'core_sys_settings_titles' ) ); $outer = $this->DB->execute(); while( $row = $this->DB->fetch( $outer ) ) { if ( ! $row['conf_title_keyword'] ) { $new_keyword = IPSText::mbstrtolower( preg_replace( '#[^\d\w]#', "", $row['conf_title_title'] ) ); $this->DB->update( 'core_sys_settings_titles', array( 'conf_title_keyword' => $new_keyword ), 'conf_title_id='.$row['conf_title_id'] ); } } } /** * Import XML Settings on an app by app basis * * @return array Array of messages */ public function importAllApps() { $message = array(); foreach( ipsRegistry::$applications as $app_dir => $app_data ) { $file = IPSLib::getAppDir( $app_dir ) . '/xml/' . $app_dir . '_settings.xml'; if ( is_file( $file ) ) { $contents = file_get_contents( $file ); $return = $this->_importXML( $contents, $app_dir ); $message[] = $app_data['app_title'] . " " . sprintf( $this->lang->words['s_upandin'], $return['updatedCount'], $return['insertedCount'] ); /* In dev time stamp? */ if ( IN_DEV ) { $cache = $this->caches['indev']; $cache['import']['settings'][ $app_dir ] = time(); $this->cache->setCache( 'indev', $cache, array( 'donow' => 1, 'array' => 1 ) ); } } } /* Check for settings not needed anymore */ $this->_loadDeleteList(); return $message; } /** * Import XML Settings * * @param string XML Data * @param string Application (should be set by XML file, however) * @param array Array of any known settings and their values * @return array array( 'insertedCount' => x, 'updatedCount' => x, 'updatedKeys' => array(..), 'insertedKeys' => array() ) */ protected function _importXML( $content, $app='core', $knownSettings=array() ) { //----------------------------------------- // INIT //----------------------------------------- $cur_settings = array(); $updated = 0; $inserted = 0; $updatedKeys = array(); $insertedKeys = array(); $known = array(); //----------------------------------------- // Get current settings. //----------------------------------------- $this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'conf_id, conf_key', 'from' => 'core_sys_conf_settings', 'order' => 'conf_id' ) ); $this->DB->execute(); while ( $r = $this->DB->fetch() ) { $cur_settings[ $r['conf_key'] ] = $r['conf_id']; } //----------------------------------------- // Get current titles //----------------------------------------- $this->_settingsGetGroups( true ); //----------------------------------------- // Get xml class //----------------------------------------- require_once( IPS_KERNEL_PATH.'classXML.php' );/*noLibHook*/ $xml = new classXML( IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET ); $xml->loadXML( $content ); //----------------------------------------- // Loop through and sort out settings... //----------------------------------------- foreach( $xml->fetchElements('setting') as $setting ) { $entry = $xml->fetchElementsFromRecord( $setting ); //----------------------------------------- // Is setting? //----------------------------------------- if ( ! $entry['conf_is_title'] ) { unset( $entry['conf_is_title'] ); unset( $entry['conf_help_key'] ); unset( $entry['conf_id'] ); unset( $entry['conf_end_group'] ); $new_settings[] = $entry; } //----------------------------------------- // Is title? //----------------------------------------- else { $new_titles[] = $entry; } } //----------------------------------------- // Sort out titles... //----------------------------------------- if ( is_array( $new_titles ) and count( $new_titles ) ) { foreach( $new_titles as $idx => $data ) { if ( $data['conf_title_title'] AND $data['conf_title_keyword'] ) { //----------------------------------------- // Get ID based on key //----------------------------------------- $conf_id = $this->setting_groups_by_key[ $data['conf_title_keyword'] ]['conf_title_id']; $save = array( 'conf_title_title' => $data['conf_title_title'], 'conf_title_desc' => $data['conf_title_desc'], 'conf_title_keyword' => $data['conf_title_keyword'], 'conf_title_tab' => $data['conf_title_tab'], 'conf_title_app' => $data['conf_title_app'] ? $data['conf_title_app'] : $app, 'conf_title_noshow' => $data['conf_title_noshow'] ); //----------------------------------------- // Not got a row, insert first! //----------------------------------------- if ( ! $conf_id ) { $this->DB->insert( 'core_sys_settings_titles', $save ); $conf_id = $this->DB->getInsertId(); } else { //----------------------------------------- // Update... //----------------------------------------- $this->DB->update( 'core_sys_settings_titles', $save, 'conf_title_id='.$conf_id ); } //----------------------------------------- // Update settings cache //----------------------------------------- $save['conf_title_id'] = $conf_id; $this->setting_groups_by_key[ $save['conf_title_keyword'] ] = $save; $this->setting_groups[ $save['conf_title_id'] ] = $save; //----------------------------------------- // Remove need update... //----------------------------------------- $need_update[] = $conf_id; } } } //----------------------------------------- // Sort out settings //----------------------------------------- if ( is_array( $new_settings ) and count( $new_settings ) ) { foreach( $new_settings as $idx => $data ) { //----------------------------------------- // Insert known //----------------------------------------- $data['conf_value'] = ''; if( is_array($knownSettings) AND count($knownSettings) ) { if ( ! $data['conf_value'] AND ( in_array( $data['conf_key'], array_keys( $knownSettings ) ) ) ) { $data['conf_value'] = $knownSettings[ $data['conf_key'] ]; } } $data['conf_group'] = $this->setting_groups_by_key[ $data['conf_title_keyword'] ]['conf_title_id']; //----------------------------------------- // Remove from array //----------------------------------------- unset( $data['conf_title_keyword'] ); if ( $cur_settings[ $data['conf_key'] ] ) { //----------------------------------------- // Don't change the setting value //----------------------------------------- unset( $data['conf_value'] ); //----------------------------------------- // Update //----------------------------------------- $this->DB->update( 'core_sys_conf_settings', $data, 'conf_id='.$cur_settings[ $data['conf_key'] ] ); $updatedKeys[] = $data['conf_key']; $updated++; } else { //----------------------------------------- // INSERT //----------------------------------------- $this->DB->insert( 'core_sys_conf_settings', $data ); $insertedKeys[] = $data['conf_key']; $inserted++; } } } //----------------------------------------- // Update group counts... //----------------------------------------- if ( count( $need_update ) ) { foreach( $need_update as $i => $idx ) { $conf = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'count(*) as count', 'from' => 'core_sys_conf_settings', 'where' => 'conf_group='.$idx ) ); $count = intval($conf['count']); $this->DB->update( 'core_sys_settings_titles', array( 'conf_title_count' => $count ), 'conf_title_id='.$idx ); } } //----------------------------------------- // Resync //----------------------------------------- $this->settingsRebuildCache(); //----------------------------------------- // Return //----------------------------------------- return array( 'insertedCount' => $inserted, 'updatedCount' => $updated, 'insertedKeys' => $insertedKeys, 'updatedKeys' => $updatedKeys ); } /** * Export all apps: Wrapper function really. Yes. It is. * * @return array Array of messages or errors */ public function exportAllApps() { $messages = array(); $errors = array(); /* Check for settings not needed anymore */ $this->_loadDeleteList(); foreach( ipsRegistry::$applications as $app_dir => $app_data ) { @unlink( IPSLib::getAppDir( $app_dir ) . '/xml/' . $app_dir . '_settings.xml' ); if ( ! is_dir( IPSLib::getAppDir( $app_dir ) . '/xml' ) ) { $errors[] = "Error: " . IPSLib::getAppDir( $app_dir ) . "/xml/ does not exist"; continue; } else if ( ! IPSLib::isWritable( IPSLib::getAppDir( $app_dir ) . '/xml' ) ) { if ( ! @chmod( IPSLib::isWritable( IPSLib::getAppDir( $app_dir ) . '/xml', 0755 ) ) ) { $errors[] = "Error: " . IPSLib::getAppDir( $app_dir ) . "/xml/ is not writeable"; continue; } } else if ( is_file( IPSLib::getAppDir( $app_dir ) . '/xml/' . $app_dir . '_settings.xml' ) AND ! IPSLib::isWritable( IPSLib::getAppDir( $app_dir ) . '/xml/' . $app_dir . '_settings.xml' ) ) { $errors[] = "Error: " . IPSLib::getAppDir( $app_dir ) . '/xml/' . $app_dir . "_settings.xml is not writeable"; continue; } $this->_exportXML( $app_dir ); $messages[] = $app_data['app_title'] . " Settings written into the application's XML directory"; /* In dev time stamp? */ if ( IN_DEV ) { $cache = $this->caches['indev']; $cache['import']['settings'][ $app_dir ] = time(); $this->cache->setCache( 'indev', $cache, array( 'donow' => 1, 'array' => 1 ) ); } } return $errors ? $errors : $messages; } /** * Export all settings to XML (IN_DEV mode) * * @param string Application directory * @return boolean */ protected function _exportXML( $app_dir='core' ) { //----------------------------------------- // Get setting groups //----------------------------------------- $this->_settingsGetGroups( true ); //----------------------------------------- // Get xml class //----------------------------------------- require_once( IPS_KERNEL_PATH.'classXML.php' );/*noLibHook*/ $xml = new classXML( IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET ); $xml->newXMLDocument(); $xml->addElement( 'settingexport' ); $xml->addElement( 'settinggroup', 'settingexport' ); foreach( $this->setting_groups as $i => $roar ) { //----------------------------------------- // App check? //----------------------------------------- if ( $app_dir != $roar['conf_title_app'] ) { continue; } //----------------------------------------- // First, add in setting group title //----------------------------------------- $thisconf = array( 'conf_is_title' => 1, 'conf_title_keyword' => $roar['conf_title_keyword'], 'conf_title_title' => $roar['conf_title_title'], 'conf_title_desc' => $roar['conf_title_desc'], 'conf_title_tab' => $roar['conf_title_tab'], 'conf_title_app' => $roar['conf_title_app'] ? $roar['conf_title_app'] : $app_dir, 'conf_title_noshow' => $roar['conf_title_noshow'] ); $xml->addElementAsRecord( 'settinggroup', 'setting', $thisconf ); //----------------------------------------- // Get settings... //----------------------------------------- $this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'core_sys_conf_settings', 'where' => "conf_group='{$roar['conf_title_id']}'", 'order' => 'conf_position, conf_title' ) ); $this->DB->execute(); while ( $r = $this->DB->fetch() ) { //----------------------------------------- // Clean up... //----------------------------------------- unset( $r['conf_value'], $r['conf_group'], $r['conf_id'] ); $r['conf_title_keyword'] = $roar['conf_title_keyword']; $r['conf_is_title'] = 0; $xml->addElementAsRecord( 'settinggroup', 'setting', $r ); } } //----------------------------------------- // Grab the XML document //----------------------------------------- $xmlData = $xml->fetchDocument(); //----------------------------------------- // Attempt to write... //----------------------------------------- $file = IPSLib::getAppDir( $app_dir ) . '/xml/' . $app_dir . '_settings.xml'; @unlink( $file ); @file_put_contents( $file, $xmlData ); @chmod( $file, IPS_FOLDER_PERMISSION ); } /** * Load and parse settings delete list (IN_DEV) * * @return @e void */ protected function _loadDeleteList() { if ( IN_DEV ) { /* Check for group settings */ if ( is_file( DOC_IPS_ROOT_PATH . '_deleteGroupSettings.txt' ) ) { $notTheseGroups = file( DOC_IPS_ROOT_PATH . '_deleteGroupSettings.txt' ); if ( count($notTheseGroups) ) { $notTheseGroups = array_map('trim', $notTheseGroups); $this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'conf_title_id', 'from' => 'core_sys_settings_titles', 'where' => "conf_title_keyword IN ('" . implode("','", $notTheseGroups) . "')" ) ); $this->DB->execute(); if ( $this->DB->getTotalRows() ) { $_deleteTheseGroups = array(); while( $s = $this->DB->fetch() ) { $_deleteTheseGroups[] = $s['conf_title_id']; } if ( count($_deleteTheseGroups) ) { $this->DB->delete( 'core_sys_conf_settings', 'conf_group IN (' . implode(',', $_deleteTheseGroups) . ')' ); $this->DB->delete( 'core_sys_settings_titles', "conf_title_keyword IN ('" . implode("','", $notTheseGroups) . "')" ); } } } } /* Check for single settings */ if ( is_file( DOC_IPS_ROOT_PATH . '_deleteSettings.txt' ) ) { $notTheseSettings = file( DOC_IPS_ROOT_PATH . '_deleteSettings.txt' ); if ( count($notTheseSettings) ) { $notTheseSettings = array_map('trim', $notTheseSettings); $this->DB->delete( 'core_sys_conf_settings', "conf_key IN('" . implode( "','", $notTheseSettings ) . "')" ); } } } } } Hide
  23. La2Hero

    Админка IPB 3.4.6

    Добрый вечер господа, кто юзает IPB 3.4.6 может кто подогнать папку admin с работающими скриптами глобальных настроек? В тех версиях что в шаре, стоит шелл, после его удаления вышибает функционал Настроек
  24. Если честно никогда не видел, чтоб такое было реализовано байпасом, первое что мне пришло в голову - крафт. Можно сделать на подобии крафта, который требует 1 адену, как ресурс для крафта бревна.
  25. Сделал альфаканал более белым, стало получше
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